Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dim Sum

Dim Sum is the name for light Chinese food served with Chinese tea. Originally a Cantonese custom, now Dim Sum is served throughout China. Dim Sum (literally meaning "touch the heart") and Yum Cha (literally meaning "drinking tea") are usually served in the morning until mid-afternoon at Chinese Restaurant. In Hong, many Chinese Restaurant start serving Dim Sum from 5 o'clock in the morning.

Many of the food in Dim Sum are steamed or deep fried. You can find type of food like Har Gao, Char Siu Bao, Shaomai, Turnip Cake, Lotus Leaf Rice, Char Siu Sou, etc. Instead of ordering Dim Sum from a menu, you will have to choose it from a cart full with food. Usually, they serve Dim Sum in a some small wooden bowl.

In USA, especially, in California, we can find so many Chinese restaurant, but not all of them have Dim Sum menu. I myself didn't find many Chinese restaurant in New Britain, but I found one Chinese restaurant that has Dim Sum menu in Farmington. The restaurant's name is Green Tea. It is located at 1067 Farmington Ave. The food is pretty good with reasonable price.


  1. mantab men.. udh punya 2 blog aja lo.. hahaha.. salam dari gw buat guru Mandarin lo.. hahaha..

  2. wah, kampret, gw pikir siape yg komen2, hahahahaha..
